        Drawings by Ralph Papa


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  (Click on images below for enlargd view)        

    wpeC.gif (70666 bytes)  Cherub / 1991

       Figure Study / 8/2001

      Figure Study / 8/2001


   wpe2D.gif (60291 bytes)  Figure Study 94-1a/1994

   wpe1D.gif (68828 bytes)  Figure Study 94-1b/1994

   wpe1F.gif (83444 bytes)  Figure Study 94-2/1994

   wpe21.gif (94227 bytes)  Figure Study 94-3a/1994

   wpe35.gif (77214 bytes)  Figure Study 94-3b/1994

   wpe27.gif (12098 bytes)  Figure Study 94-4/1994

   wpe29.gif (116067 bytes)  Figure Study 94-5/1994

   wpe2B.gif (135032 bytes)  Figure Study 94-6/1994

   wpe2F.gif (121550 bytes)   Figure Study 94-7/1994

   wpe33.gif (43878 bytes)

   wpe25.gif (99670 bytes)  Artist at GAC / 1991

   wpe13.gif (101351 bytes)  Feelings / 1991 

    wpe17.gif (68116 bytes)  Watching / 1973

   wpe23.gif (67260 bytes)  Figure Study-1 / 1973

   wpe25.gif (146488 bytes)  Figure Study-2 / 1973

   wpe13.gif (174196 bytes)  Figure Study-3 SCC / 1973

    Figure Study-3 SCC

    Figure Study-3 SCC / 1974

   wpeB.gif (128928 bytes)    Figure Study-1 SCC / 1974

   wpeD.gif (100565 bytes)   Figure Study-2 SCC / 1974

   wpe15.gif (74711 bytes)  Figure Study-3/ Drawing /1974

   wpe17.gif (86713 bytes)  Figure Study-4 / Drawing /1974

    Figure Study / Drawing

   wpe31.gif (155888 bytes)   Figure Study-5 /1974

   wpe19.gif (178017 bytes)  Figure Study 6 / 1974

   wpeF.gif (105335 bytes)   Figure Study-7 /1974

   wpe11.gif (106400 bytes)   Figure Study-8 /1974

   Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

   Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974



  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /1974

  Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993


    Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993

    Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993

    Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993

    Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993

    Figure  Study, charcoal /GAC 1993

Forest Primevil , charcoal /GAC 2008



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Last modified: Nov. 3, 2009